Tages Capital SGR is strongly committed to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) aspects, with the buy-and-hold approach strategy to investments in renewable energy pursued by the infrastructural funds it manages, together with its debt fund focused on Italian SMEs with sustainable growth, contributing to the objectives of the Paris Agreement towards a carbon neutral economy.

We are also signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) protocol. With reference to the 2023 reporting cycle (Transparency Report UN PRI 2022), Tages SGR achieved an overall score of four stars (out of five), positioning itself in the 65-95% range on all modules of the Report.

Since 2024 we have also been ordinary members of the Forum for Sustainable Finance, a non-profit association created with the aim of encouraging the inclusion of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in financial products and processes. Its membership base includes financial operators and other organizations interested in the environmental and social impact of investments.

Attention to sustainability permeates the entire organization and characterizes its business model, starting from the strategic direction role of the Board of Directors, which creates value for all stakeholders, mitigating risks and increasing the company’s tangible and reputational capital Society.

The strategy is implemented by the General Manager with the support of a dedicated ESG team, made up of key corporate figures, responsible for the selection and management of investments, risk, operations, and relations with investors.

The ESG team aims to implement the medium-term action plan, in order to manage all ESG aspects of the portfolio, reducing financial and operational risks and increasing returns for investors.

At Tages Capital we believe that compliance to ESG requirements is a constantly evolving challenge, which passes through a process of continuous improvement of our skills, business actions, and their representation, far from being crystallized.

Tages Capital SGR is strongly committed to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects, also at product level. Our Tages Helios Net Zero Fund currently being collected is classified art. 9 under the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), contributing to the objectives of the Paris Agreement towards the reduction of CO2 emissions. Tages Credit Fund is classified art. 8 under the SFDR.

Regarding the working environment, all the staff is attentive to recycling, low consumption of materials (reducing printing, for example), waste separation, and electricity and water saving. Furthermore, Tages offices are supplied with energy produced from renewable sources, and in 2019 they became plastic-free thanks to the installation of purified water dispensers. In 2020 we also introduced an electronic registered mail system for all communications to investors in order to avoid paper consumption. All the employees also undertook an internal training program on sustainability, starting with the objectives of the Paris Agreement through a workshop on CO2 markets. In 2023, the first Carbon Footprint report was drawn up on 2022 data, developed in collaboration with the Design Department of the Polytechnic of Milan. In particular, the Carbon Footprint took into account the smart working polices adopted by the company, as well as the 100% renewable supply contract for the Milan offices. The report will also be developed for the next few years and extended to Delos Power, an asset management and O&M company for the photovoltaic and wind power plants of the funds managed by Tages Capital SGR, with the aim of identifying any further areas of emission reduction. Where it is not possible to reduce emissions through internal continuous improvement actions, we will offset the Carbon Footprint with voluntary credits, as already done in recent years.

Health and well-being of our employees are very important to us. All staff and their families benefit from welfare programs and a private medical insurance, as part of the standard terms and conditions of employment. Furthermore, employees are also provided with life and accident insurance. During the COVID-19 health emergency, we activated business continuity plans, adopting smart working methods for our employees. Smart working remained in force even after the pandemic emergency to facilitate the work-life balance of our employees.

The company in May 2024 approved the SGR’s Diversity & Inclusion Policy to reinforce and support a work environment in which all people feel respected, valued, and have equal opportunities for growth and development.